Will A Snow Blower Work On Heavy Wet Snow?

Imagine waking up to a winter wonderland, only to find that the snow piled up outside your home is heavy and wet. As you peer out through the frosty window, you start to wonder if your trusty snow blower will be up to the task. Will it successfully tackle the heavy, wet snow and save you from hours of back-breaking shoveling? Find out in this article as we explore the effectiveness of snow blowers on this particular type of snow, and discover some helpful tips for clearing your driveway and walkways effortlessly.


If you live in an area that experiences heavy snowfall, you know the struggle of dealing with the aftermath. One of the most challenging types of snow to clear is heavy wet snow. This type of snow is characterized by its dense and wet texture, making it difficult to remove. Thankfully, there are snow blowers available that can help you tackle this daunting task. In this article, we will explore the different types of snow blowers, factors to consider when purchasing one, their suitability for heavy wet snow, techniques to improve their performance, and provide some tips for choosing the right snow blower for your needs.

Understanding Heavy Wet Snow

Definition of Heavy Wet Snow

Heavy wet snow refers to snowfall that has a high moisture content. Unlike lighter and fluffier snow, heavy wet snow is denser and clings together, making it more challenging to remove. The moisture content in this type of snow can be as high as 30%, contributing to its weight and stickiness. Heavy wet snow is often the result of temperatures near or slightly above freezing, causing the snowflakes to partially melt before reaching the ground.

Characteristics of Heavy Wet Snow

Heavy wet snow can be easily differentiated from other types of snow by its distinct characteristics. It has a sticky and adhesive nature, making it more difficult to shovel or plow. Heavy wet snow tends to clump together, forming large, heavy mounds that can be challenging to lift and throw. Additionally, its high moisture content can create icy patches on driveways and walkways if not cleared promptly.

Challenges Associated with Heavy Wet Snow

Dealing with heavy wet snow comes with its fair share of challenges. The weight and density of this type of snow can put a strain on your back and muscles when manually removing it. Clearing heavy wet snow with a traditional shovel can be time-consuming and physically demanding. This is where a snow blower becomes a valuable tool, as it can significantly reduce the physical exertion required and make the task more manageable.

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Types of Snow Blowers

When it comes to snow blowers, there are several types available on the market. Each type offers its own set of features and capabilities. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of snow blowers:

Single-stage Snow Blowers

Single-stage snow blowers are compact and lightweight machines that are suitable for light to moderate snowfall. They feature a single spinning auger that scoops up the snow and throws it out through a chute. While single-stage snow blowers can handle fluffy snow effectively, they may struggle with heavy wet snow due to their limited power and auger design.

Two-stage Snow Blowers

Two-stage snow blowers are more powerful and capable of handling heavier snowfall. They feature an auger that collects the snow and a separate impeller that throws the snow out through the chute. The dual-stage mechanism allows two-stage snow blowers to handle both light, fluffy snow and heavy wet snow with ease. These machines are more robust and can clear larger areas more efficiently.

Three-stage Snow Blowers

Three-stage snow blowers are the heavy-duty machines designed to tackle the toughest snow conditions. They incorporate an additional accelerator that increases the snowblowing capacity. The auger collects the snow, the impeller discharges it, and the accelerator further enhances the throwing distance and performance. Three-stage snow blowers excel at clearing heavy wet snow and are ideal for larger properties or commercial use.

Electric Snow Blowers

Electric snow blowers are powered by electricity and offer a more eco-friendly and quieter alternative to gas-powered snow blowers. They are generally less powerful than gas-powered models but are suitable for smaller areas and lighter snowfall. Electric snow blowers can handle heavy wet snow to some extent, but their performance may be limited compared to their gas-powered counterparts.

Gas-powered Snow Blowers

Gas-powered snow blowers are the most robust and powerful options available. They run on gasoline and provide the necessary strength to tackle heavy wet snow effectively. Gas-powered snow blowers are available in both single-stage and two-stage models, offering a wide range of options to suit different needs and budgets. With their superior power and auger strength, gas-powered snow blowers are the go-to choice for heavy wet snow removal.

Factors to Consider

When choosing a snow blower for heavy wet snow, several factors need to be considered. These factors will determine the machine’s performance and effectiveness in clearing heavy wet snow. Let’s explore some of the key factors to keep in mind:

Snow Density

The density of the snow plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of a snow blower. Heavy wet snow has a higher density compared to light, fluffy snow. Therefore, it is important to choose a snow blower that can handle the increased weight and stickiness of heavy wet snow. Look for models with a higher capacity and more robust construction to ensure optimal performance.

Temperature and Moisture Content

Temperature and moisture content are important factors to consider when dealing with heavy wet snow. Heavy wet snow is more likely to occur when temperatures are near or above freezing. It is essential to choose a snow blower that can operate effectively under these conditions. Consider models with features such as heated handles and drift cutters, which can improve performance in wet and icy conditions.

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Blower Design and Power

The design of the snow blower, particularly the auger and impeller, significantly impacts its ability to handle heavy wet snow. Look for models with larger augers and impellers that can handle the increased weight and density. Additionally, consider the power source of the snow blower. Gas-powered models generally offer more power and are better suited for heavy wet snow removal compared to electric models.

Auger and Impeller Strength

The strength of the auger and impeller is crucial for effectively clearing heavy wet snow. The auger is responsible for collecting the snow, while the impeller throws it out through the chute. Opt for snow blowers with durable augers and impellers, preferably made of sturdy materials like steel. This will ensure that the machine can handle the heavy load of wet snow without getting clogged or damaged.

Suitability of Snow Blowers for Heavy Wet Snow

Now that we have explored the different types of snow blowers and the factors to consider, let’s assess their suitability for heavy wet snow:

Performance of Single-stage Snow Blowers

While single-stage snow blowers are effective for light and fluffy snow, they may struggle when it comes to heavy wet snow. The limited power and auger design of single-stage machines can make it challenging to clear dense, wet snow efficiently. However, if the snowfall is not too heavy and you clear it promptly, a single-stage snow blower may be sufficient for light to moderate amounts of heavy wet snow.

Effectiveness of Two-stage Snow Blowers

Two-stage snow blowers are a popular choice for homeowners dealing with heavy wet snow. The combination of an auger and impeller allows these machines to handle a wider range of snow conditions, including heavy, wet snow. The additional power and improved design make two-stage snow blowers highly effective and efficient when it comes to clearing heavy wet snow from driveways, sidewalks, and other surfaces.

Superiority of Three-stage Snow Blowers

If you frequently experience heavy wet snow or have a large property to clear, a three-stage snow blower is the ultimate solution. The accelerator in three-stage models provides an extra boost to their clearing capabilities, making them highly effective in removing heavy wet snow. With their powerful engines and rugged construction, three-stage snow blowers are designed to handle the most challenging snow conditions with ease.

Electric Snow Blowers and Heavy Wet Snow

If you prefer a more environmentally friendly and quieter option, electric snow blowers can still handle some heavy wet snow. However, their performance may be limited compared to gas-powered models. Electric snow blowers are better suited for lighter snowfall and smaller areas. It is important to consider the snowfall frequency and intensity in your area when deciding between an electric or gas-powered snow blower.

Gas-powered Snow Blowers and Heavy Wet Snow

Gas-powered snow blowers are undoubtedly the top choice for heavy wet snow removal. Their powerful engines and robust construction allow them to handle the increased weight and density of heavy wet snow without compromising performance. Gas-powered snow blowers offer the necessary strength and durability to tackle even the toughest snow conditions, making them ideal for homeowners dealing with heavy snowfall.

Techniques to Improve Snow Blower Performance

While choosing the right snow blower is important, there are techniques you can implement to improve its performance when dealing with heavy wet snow. Here are some tips to enhance the effectiveness of your snow blower:

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Preparation and Maintenance Tips

Proper preparation and maintenance of your snow blower can go a long way in ensuring optimal performance. Before the snow season begins, ensure that your snow blower is in good working condition. Check the engine, belts, auger, and impeller for any signs of damage or wear. Replace any worn-out parts and lubricate the necessary components. Regularly clean the chute and remove any debris or ice buildup. Staying on top of maintenance will help your snow blower perform at its best during heavy wet snow removal.

Optimal Usage Techniques

Using your snow blower correctly is essential for efficient heavy wet snow removal. Start by making a first pass at a higher setting to remove the majority of the snow. Then, adjust the snow blower to a lower setting and make a second pass for a cleaner finish. Keep in mind that heavy wet snow can be prone to clogging, so go at a slower pace and do not overload the machine. It is also important to utilize the correct technique when clearing heavy wet snow to minimize strain on the snow blower and yourself.

Clearing Heavy Wet Snow with Multiple Passes

Heavy wet snow often requires multiple passes to ensure thorough clearing. Instead of trying to remove all the snow in one go, make several passes to gradually clear the area. This approach will reduce the strain on your snow blower and prevent clogging. Take your time and clear a manageable amount of snow with each pass. While it may take a bit longer, the end result will be a thoroughly cleared area without overwhelming the machine.

Using Additives or Sprays

To improve the performance of your snow blower in heavy wet snow, you may consider using additives or sprays. Some snow blowers are compatible with snow-melting additives that can help break down the ice or loosen the snow. Additionally, spraying the auger and chute with a silicone or Teflon-based lubricant can minimize snow sticking and clogging. However, always consult the manufacturer’s recommendations before using any additives or sprays, as not all machines are compatible.

Tips for Choosing a Snow Blower for Heavy Wet Snow

When it comes to choosing the right snow blower for heavy wet snow, here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

Consideration of Snow Blower Type

Evaluate the type of snow blower that best suits your needs. If you experience light to moderate snowfall and have a small to medium-sized property, a two-stage snow blower may be sufficient. However, if heavy wet snow is a common occurrence in your area or you have a large property, a three-stage snow blower would be the most reliable option.

Considering Snow Density and Moisture Content

Take into account the average snow density and moisture content in your area. If heavy wet snow is prevalent, choose a snow blower with a design and power that can handle the increased weight and stickiness. Models with larger augers and impellers are better equipped to handle heavy wet snow effectively.

Assessing Blower Power and Design

Check the power source and design of the snow blower. Gas-powered models generally offer more power and are better suited for heavy snow conditions. Look for snow blowers with durable augers and impellers made of materials that can withstand the demands of heavy wet snow.

Budget and Affordability

Consider your budget and affordability when selecting a snow blower. While more powerful models tend to come with a higher price tag, they offer superior performance and durability. It is essential to find a balance between your budget and the features you require for clearing heavy wet snow effectively.


When it comes to heavy wet snow removal, a snow blower can be your best friend. Understanding the characteristics of heavy wet snow, the different types of snow blowers available, and the factors to consider will help you choose the right machine for the job. Whether you opt for a single-stage, two-stage, three-stage, electric, or gas-powered snow blower, taking the necessary precautions and implementing effective techniques will ensure optimal performance. By selecting the right snow blower and employing the right strategies, you can conquer heavy wet snow with ease and keep your property safe and accessible throughout the winter season.